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Website Visitor Ad Retargeting

Website visitor retargeting is one of the most cost-effective tools advertisers can use to attract new business. Every time someone visits your website, they become part of your audience, and you can advertise to that audience on other websites. The website visitors are not personally identified but are higher in value than a general audience since they have visited you before.

Goepps ad retargeting

Retargeting is great for building your brand, making sure those who know you already are aware of new products and services, and making offers that are going to earn a return website visit. Remarketing allows us to advertise on 90% of the other websites on the internet.


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Here's What This Service Includes

  • Ad platform selection.
  • Website coding to allow your visitors to see your ads on other websites.
  • All ad creative and design.
  • Campaign management and optimization.
  • Ongoing reporting and analytics.

Getting Started

To get started, reach out to us to discuss your program and what you want to accomplish. We will provide you with budget options and a plan for going live with your campaign.


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