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Video Content Marketing

Video content is awesome. It gives you the ability to move a lot of information to someone quickly. We really like how it helps the conversion rate for websites and landing pages. Plus, it is great content for use in channels that bring people back to you.

Goepps video content marketing

We like creating video content for home pages
that introduces people to you and how you work.

Home page videos are a good place for offering a 360-degree view of your business.

Services pages videos are good for going deep and showing before and after pictures. Email newsletters are good real estate for ongoing new video content.

Your social channels are another good place to share short, informal content that shows some personality. Video is a great tool and is worth doing. Plus, publishing topical videos to Youtube and your own website creates new channels for business generation.


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Our Video Content Marketing Services Include

  • Planning the best areas for you to use video, starting with the biggest opportunities first.
  • Production, editing, and publishing.
  • Transcription, loading to YouTube, and optimization for search engines.
  • Analytics reporting and program optimization.

Getting Started

Let’s get you going strong with video. To get started, reach out to us to discuss your program and what you want to accomplish. We will provide you with budget options and a plan for going live with your program.


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