As a growing company that offers the best in digital marketing services, we at GoEpps always take the time to read the latest online marketing news. Whether it is an article on small business growth, news from Google, or a possible “hoax post” about destroying your company, it is always helpful to read about our industry.
Here are a few of the articles from April 2015 from the world of digital marketing services. We hope you will find them as compelling as we do.
The Five Stages of Small Business Growth
A version of this article first appeared in the Harvard Business Review in May of 1983. While 30-something years ago is not exactly current, the stages of small business growth have not changed much during that time. Even with the changes in technology and our culture in all of those years, many entrepreneurial management skills have remained much the same.
This article takes you through the five stages of small business growth:
- Existence
- Survival
- Success
- Take-Off
- Resource Maturity
This helpful article goes into great detail for each stage on developing, maintaining, and growing any small business. When you read it, try to forget that it was written in 1983 and just remember that these are time-tested stages and strategies.
How Google’s New Local Business Cards could change Local Optimization and SEO
Now this article is much more timely in terms of online marketing services. This post tells us a little bit about Google’s new tool, which is still in the testing phase. Since it doesn’t have a name yet, the writers here call it Local Business Cards.
The most important thing we need to know about this new tool is that it can allow businesses to bypass Google’s typical ranking system on its searches and appear on the first page of a search.
This new tool will most likely benefit local businesses and those with mobile-optimized sites. Anytime Google changes the way it ranks businesses and SEO, it is big news for online marketing service companies. Check out the full article here and let us know what you think.
Man accidentally “deletes his entire company” with one line of bad code
This article has been shared thousands of times and received all types of comments. The man in question here is Marco Marsala. At first he claims to have deleted his entire computer’s data and all the data of all of his clients with just one line of bad code. Marsala runs a web hosting company and later says that this was just a hoax, but based off of a client’s true story that happened back in 2006.
He wrote his horror story on a forum for server experts saying that he had deleted everything, including his backups. One commenter said he does not need technical advice, he needs a lawyer. Read the full story here and see what you think the truth really is.
If you want to discuss the latest and most impactful online marketing news, or have any questions for us, contact GoEpps. We would love to talk about your online marketing plans.