Yesterday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg dropped some huge news concerning updates to Facebook’s News Feed structuring – updates that could come into effect within the coming weeks. Essentially, Zuckerberg wants to make Facebook more social by increasing meaningful interaction across the site.
A post from Zuckerberg’s Facebook profile, states, “we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect more with each other.”
Overall, Zuckerberg plans to change the News Feed to include less public content like BuzzFeed cooking posts or suggested ads, and more posts from friends and family OR posts that spark significant discussion.
This should be big time news for social media marketers and any business / brand that uses Facebook to promote content or products. Already, the news has sparked lots of online discussion from notable sources including the New York Times.
While we’ll have to wait to experience the real effects of this announcement, we’ve provided two Business Insider articles that go more in depth about the possible implications: you can read them here and here (the second article may require a subscription).